This will be the second edition of CLINICCAI, a MICCAI event dedicated to healthcare practitioners willing to discuss their research on translational and clinical aspects of medical image computing, computer-assisted interventions, and medical robotics.
The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (the MICCAI Society) is a leading community of biomedical scientists, engineers, and clinicians working on advances in the methodology and applications of these fields since 1998. Recent methodological improvements and new clinical applications enabled by breakthroughs in medical imaging, deep learning and other AI techniques motivated MICCAI to create a clinical day to reinforce its clinical ties and explore further how to generate value for patients and healthcare systems.
The second edition of CLINICCAI will be a fantastic opportunity for healthcare practitioners to share their translational research experiences, discuss needs with biomedical researchers with diverse backgrounds, network and become active members of the growing MICCAI community. The event will take place in parallel to MICCAI 2022, allowing participants to explore and get inspired by the other scientific sessions, workshops and social happenings of the biomedical conference.
In its second edition, CLINICCAI will be held from September 18th to 22nd 2022 in the Resort World Convention Centre Singapore. This will be the first MICCAI (and CLINICCAI!) conference hosted in Southeast Asia.
Works to be presented will be selected based on an abstract submission evaluated by an international committee of physicians. Renowned practitioners in the field will be invited for keynote lectures in a joint session with the main MICCAI2022 program.
Call for abstracts 23:59 PST, Mar 4th, 2022
Abstract submission deadline 23:59 PST, May 13th, 2022
Notification 23:59 PST, Jun 24th, 2022
Camera ready abstracts 23:59 PST, Aug 26th, 2022
CLINICCAI conference date to be confirmed between September 18th and 22nd, 2022
To find out more click here.