NCITA is collaborating with clinical researchers across the UK to provide NCITA Repository, Imaging Clinical Trials Unit and QA/QC Unit support for delivering multicentre clinical imaging biomarker studies through its study adoption process.  Our NCITA infrastructure support is available to external partners from both academia and industry, provided the clinical research proposal meets the NCITA study eligibility criteria.

We encourage researchers who are interested in our NCITA infrastructure support for delivering their clinical research study to contact us as early as possible during study development, even if funding for your research is not yet secured.

While cancer imaging studies are a key focus, we will also consider supporting clinical research studies in other disease areas especially those involving AI algorithm development, training and validation.

For further assistance and to apply for NCITA infrastructure support, please contact us at or use our  contact form. View also our  NCITA brochure for an overview of our study adoption process and table of adopted studies. 

External Studies Adopted by our NCITA Infrastructure


Building and Evaluating a risk Stratified PrOstate pathway for cancer screening, detection, treatment and surveillancE

NCITA CTU, Repository Unit

Integrated Image Analysis in High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

NCITA Repository Unit


Investigating the application of WB-MRI for re-staging of prostate cancer patients with biochemical relapse (BCR) following external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy

NCITA Repository Unit

Open-label adaptive randomisation parallel-group active comparator trial of tapering biologic treatment in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in remission

NCITA CTU, QA/QC Unit, Repository Unit


Precision medicine Approaches for Neoadjuvant Therapy in high‐Risk Sarcoma patients

NCITA Repository Unit


Predicting response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and neoadjuvant radiotherapy in patients with oesophageal cancer at baseline using PET-CT and contrast enhanced radiomics

NCITA CTU, QA/QC Unit, Repository Unit

Re-IMAGINE Prostate Cancer Risk Study

NCITA CTU, Repository Unit


Development of a technical, procedural and ethical template for accelerating the start-up of AI multicentre studies requiring data re-use and/or sharing in clinical settings

NCITA Repository Unit