ESTRO 2021 will take place 27-31 August 2021 in Madrid, Spain.
Important Deadlines
Abstract submission: 8 March 2021
Late breaking abstract submission: 19 April to 5 May 2021
Early registration deadline: 26 May 2021
Late registration deadline: 27 July 2021
Desk registration: As of 28 July 2021
ESTRO have opted for a blended congress format of an in-person programme in Madrid enhanced by a digital component providing access to online material. This will provide the best possible congress experience under all circumstances, and foster broad and continuous participation.
Given the uncertainty linked to the ongoing pandemic, ESTRO will monitor the conditions for running the in-person component of the congress very closely. While the blended congress format might evolve in line with the conditions in place early next year, the dates of the event will remain unchanged.
ESTRO’s new vision statement for 2030 ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’ emphasizes the ambition of the Society to further reinforce radiation oncology as core partner in multidisciplinary cancer care and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation therapy for all cancer patients who need it.
In line with the ESTRO vision 2030, ESTRO 2021 will convey the theme “Optimal radiotherapy for all”.
The comprehensive scientific programme at ESTRO 2021 offers state-of-the-art teaching lectures, symposia, debates on hot topics, as well as a range of educational activities such as pre-meeting courses, contouring workshops, and multidisciplinary tumour boards.
As of ESTRO 2020, extra effort in optimising the programme format of the ESTRO annual conference will be achieved by giving more room and visibility to contributions from abstract submissions. Again, at ESTRO 2021, sessions with highlights of proffered papers will take place in a plenary setting, offering maximum visibility to your work. Furthermore, ESTRO 2021 will aim to give more visibility to posters by increasing the number of posters that will be discussed offering you a platform to showcase your achievements. You are therefore strongly encouraged to submit an abstract by 28 October 2020 and become part of this prestigious event. Late breaking abstract submission will also be possible as of early January 2021 and within the deadline of 20 January 2021.
The interdisciplinary component of the scientific programme will include sessions on the following topics:
For more details, click here.