The European Society of Medical Imaging Informations EuSoMII Annual Meeting 2022 will take place 14 and 15 October 2022 in Valencia, Spain.
The Venue of the event will be the SH Valencia Palace Hotel, Paseo Alameda, 32.
PROGRAM available HERE
ONLINE – POSTER GALLERY All ePosters and associated abstracts will be available online on a dedicated web-based platform during and after the event. With this initiative, we aim to prolong the ePoster experience and increase the visibility of our authors’ work long after the conference.
The web-based platform will allow conference participants to engage directly with authors, whether through direct messaging, a video call, or participation in a broader discussion via the asynchronous discussion forum available for each poster. Some poster authors have also submitted a video presentation of their posters so that users of the digital poster gallery can discover their contributions.