Congratulations to Dr Penny Cristinacce, NCITA MR Core Lab Lead and our NCITA colleagues on their new publication ‘Clinical translation of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers – An overview and gap analysis of current practice’ available online in Physica Medica on 30 August 2022 (Volume 101, September 2022, Pages 165-182).
The article provides an overview of current quality management procedures for quantitative MRI (qMR) imaging biomarkers in the UK. Three complementary approaches were used including a literature search of qMR and quality management terms during 2011–2015 and 2016–2020; a database search for clinical research studies using qMR imaging biomarkers during 2016–2020; and an NCITA national clinical MRI quality assurance and quality control survey to ascertain current availability and quality management practices for clinical MRI scanners and associated equipment at research institutions across the UK.
This review will help build upon the principles outlined in the ‘Imaging biomarker roadmap for cancer studies’ (O’Connor et al., 2017) and help researchers work towards consensus guidelines with relevant stakeholders to develop robust, validated data acquisition and analysis methods required to accelerate the translation of qMR imaging biomarkers into clinical practice.
Researchers interested in finding out more about NCITA infrastructure support for qMR imaging studies can contact our NCITA MR Core Lab via email