On the 13-14th September 2021, join NCITA, in partnership with the XNAT Team, the Institute of Cancer Research, and the Health and Bioscience IDEAS (Imaging, Data structures, gEnetics and Analytical Strategies) program at University College London, for the 2021 XNAT virtual workshop.
Registration and further details can be found here: https://wiki.xnat.org/workshop-2021/
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, Sept 8, 2021.
Day 1 (13th September 2021, 9.00-12.45 CDT) is a PI focus, looking on the high level business impetus for XNAT and its future development. Dr Simon Doran, NCITA Repository Unit Manager, and Dr Ramona Woitek, University of Cambridge, will present a case study on ‘Using XNAT in Cancer Imaging Research’. In addition, the day will include: ‘What’s New in XNAT? A Review of New Features’; ‘Round Table: Deployment Strategies for Scalable XNATs’, ‘Round Table: Supporting Machine Learning with XNAT’; ‘Case Study: Supporting Large Computational Datasets with the MIR Research Imaging Repository (MIRRIR)’; and ‘Round Table: XNAT in Translational Research’.
Day 2 (14th September 2021, 9.00-12.45 CDT) is a Technical focus, geared toward experienced XNAT developers and administrators, providing an opportunity to dive deeper into the details of working with XNAT. There will be an XNAT Development Town Hall: a session allowing for rapid discussion of multiple topics of interest to the XNAT Development and Dev Ops community. Topics include: ‘Image Viewing and Annotation’, ‘XNAT Container Services’, ‘XNAT Integrations With Other Applications’, and ‘XNAT Federation’. There will also be a Virtual Poster Session, where workshop attendees can browse posters and engage with presenters. Dr Chris Rookyard, NCITA Repository Research Associate, will be presenting poster a on ‘Federated XNATs in NCITA’.
A link to the full agenda is here: https://wiki.xnat.org/workshop-2021/