Cancer Research UK have launched ‘Longer Better Lives: A Manifesto for Cancer Rearch and Care’, which sets out the measures and commitments that this government and the next can make to help diagnose cancer earlier and faster, and improve cancer survival across the UK.  The Manifesto has been developed in collaboration with cancer patients and experts from across health, life sciences, government and academic sectors. 

Cancer Research UK believes the next government should implement the following missions to help prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year by 2040:

Mission 1: Rebuild the UK’s global position in biomedical research by investing in cancer research.
Mission 2: Prevent more cancers by raising the age of sale of tobacco and funding a world-leading programme of measures to help people who smoke to quit.
Mission 3: Diagnose more cancers early by pledging to implement proven measures, including a lung screening programme, to diagnose cancers early and reduce inequalities in access.
Mission 4: Bring innovation to patients more quickly and reduce inequalities by ensuring cancer wait time targets are met across England.
Mission 5: Build a national movement to beat cancer, sooner by publishing a long-term cancer strategy for England and establishing a National Cancer Council, accountable to the prime minister, to drive cross-government action on cancer.

Read the full Manifesto at