MRI Together is a global online event on open, reproducible, and inclusive MR research. With support and endorsement from ESMRMB this global workshop will be held from Monday 5 to Thursday 8 December 2022.
The workshop will cover topics ranging from statistical tools for reproducible research, to open hardware and software practices, to data sharing policies, and the obstacles and best practices in using artificial intelligence in MRI.
Dr Penny Cristinacce NCITA MR Core Lab Lead at the University of Manchester will give a talk entitled ‘Improving the Quality of Quantitative MRI Biomarkers in Multi-Centre Studies’ at the ‘Reproducibility in Large-Scale Studies’ session on Tuesday 6 December 2022.
To view the meeting programme click here.
Registration is free. However, senior funded researchers and PIs are encouraged to register as donating attendees.
For more information and to register view