Professor Shonit Punwani, Professor of Magnetic Resonance and Cancer Imaging at University College London and Chair of the NCITA Governance Group, will participate in the scientific panel at The Early Detection of Cancer Conference to discuss strategies for effectively integrating information from traditional imaging techniques, molecular biomarkers and clinical data to enhance early cancer detection.
The Early Detection of Cancer Conference, hosted by Cancer Research UK, Canary Center at Stanford, and OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, will take place on 10-12 October 2023 in Central Hall Westminster in London. This annual conference brings together experts in early detection from multiple disciplines to share groundbreaking research and progress in the field. The conference is part of a long-term commitment to invest in early detection research, to understand the biology behind early-stage cancers, find new detection and screening methods, and enhance uptake and accuracy of screening.
The final agenda for The Early Detection of Cancer Conference can be found here.
For more details about the meeting, see our NCITA Events Calendar.