Join the ReIMAGINE medical imaging team and commercial partners at the final ReIMAGINE public engagement event this Thursday 18 May 2023 online (4-6 pm) to hear their latest updates and achievements in advancing imaging and AI tools, all possible thanks to their patients.
The ReIMAGINE Consortium aims to be the biggest collaboration between academic and commercial partners in the early prostate cancer diagnosis space with their most important partner being the patients, who have agreed to be part of their studies.
The ReImagine studies are supported by the NCITA CTU and NCITA Repository Unit. For more information see our NCITA patient resources webpage for the ReImagine Prostate Cancer Screening and ReImagine Prostate Cancer Risk studies.
For more details on NCITA’s study adoption process see our Adopted Projects webpage.
To view the event programme and to register click here.